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  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the vyrse.social moderators.

  1. No promoting violence or hate.
  2. No doxxing.
  3. No fascism/colonialism/nationalism/religious extremism.
  4. No harrassment/unwelcome attention.
  5. No racism. No homophobia. No transphobia.
  6. No spamming/gratuitous advertising (reasonable self promotion is fine).
  7. No graphic, violent, overtly sexual or political content without a content warning. Content Warnings are like spoiler alerts, trigger warnings, or plain old politeness. Please use them.
  8. No automated/unattended crossposting/backfilling from another site.
  9. No derogatory comments/bullying.